I was commissioned by The Henry Moore Foundation, to create a piece of printed material for children so they could engage and explore Henry Moore’s Studios & Gardens. Introducing them to sculpture and Henry Moore’s work and practise, the material needed to be suitable for intergenerational learning and include informal activities tied with fun facts and information about the grounds, and Henry Moore.
Photos: Will Richards / @oddlines.studio
Through my experience working on Seed Magazeen - a magazine for kids who care about the environment - it was great to dive into a brief which I could explore Henry Moore’s work and life in depth. I knew I wanted it to be as informative as possible, without being overwhelming. It was great being given access to the Henry Moore extensive archives, as well as a visit to the Studios & Gardens where I was able to get a grasp on who Henry Moore was as an artist, and why Hoglands was important to his life and work. It was also important to me that the printed material was playful too. The tear away postcard, die cut wrap cover, and the numerous I-spy activities mean the children are able to way find through the site, in an explorative and playful way.